A 1941 Pictorial History: Indianapolis Area Railroad Yards

Today, I want to focus on rail yards in the Indianapolis area. I chose this area because I have access to aerial photographs of the area. I chose the year 1941 because it is the earliest I can find complete photos. There are some available from 1937…and you can check them out at the MapIndy site.

Yes, it is basically only pictures. It also includes links to articles that I have already written…and gives me some future topics to cover.

Beech Grove Shops and Yards

Brightwood Yards

Hawthorne Yards

Illinois Central Yards

Leota Street (Hill) Yards

Moorefield Yards

Yards along the Monon & Nickel Plate

State Street Yards

PRR Transfer Yards

West Bank of White River

One thought on “A 1941 Pictorial History: Indianapolis Area Railroad Yards

  1. My maternal grandfather, Edward Michael Cantwell, was a car inspector at the Hawthorn Yards. My paternal grandfather, Louis Francis Mahern, was a boilermaker at the Brightwood roundhouse and later at the Hill Yards roundhouse.


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